Eyal Gutentag - Official Site


News and Articles from Eyal Gutentag

Marketing is Changing Rapidly

Companies are demanding to understand ROI, just as measurement is simultaneously getting both easier and harder. At the same time, audiences are increasingly resistant to advertising and more challenging to reach than ever thanks to Netflix, Spotify, Instagram, Satellite Radio, Podcasts, DVR TV and more.

The skill sets and the experience required to succeed have changed. Companies are desperately trying to catch up.

As companies are challenged to scale faster and more globally than ever before, their people and culture can be either the key assets or liabilities to doing so. The right people are a requirement, but it’s less about what they have previously done professionally.  It’s far more about who they are, how they’re wired and how they solve problems. The nuances of the hiring process are critical.

But that’s really just the beginning…

Roles must evolve frequently - measured in months, not years.  Org charts become obsolete quickly.
Mentorship and rapid advancement of high achievers and leaders not only requires a strategy but a culture to enable it.  If a meritocracy is your goal, processes must be in place to effectively reward and reinforce it.   

At least that’s how I see it. I’ve seen these approaches prove successful over decades. I’ve been fortunate to hire hundreds of exceptional people over the years. If you’re among them, you know I love building high-powered, diverse, collaborative teams that enjoy working together. That is foundation to success in the knowledge economy.

I also love watching ambitious team members transform their companies, and their careers in the process. It is the MOST rewarding part.

Eyal Gutentag